Fare Charges

At Kita Tsukuba Kia., Co., we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality care and services, regardless of financial circumstances. We offer various payment options and financial assistance programs to help make our fare charges more affordable and accessible to all our residents and their families.

Usage Fees of Tsukuba Flower Room


Basic Charges of Good Day Service Tsukuba Flower Rooms

Usage time/day 3-4 hours 5-6 hours 8-9 hours
Nursing Care Required 1 380 yen 572 yen 656 yen
Nursing Care Required 2 436 yen 676 yen 775 yen
Nursing Care Required 3 493 yen 780 yen 898 yen
Nursing Care Required 4 548 yen 884 yen 1021 yen
Nursing Care Required 5 605 yen 1988 yen 1144 yen

Various additional charges of Tsukuba Flower Rooms

Bathing Assistance 50 yen/day
Individual functional training (I) *1 46 yen/day
Individual functional training (II) *1 56 yen/day
Accepting young-onset dementia users 60 yen/day
Nutritional improvement services 150 yen/time
Oral function improvement 150 yen/time
*1 Individual functional training varies depending on the daily working hours of the physical therapist who is fully engaged in the duties of a functional training instructor (Ⅰ: 120 minutes or more, Ⅱ: all business hours)

Usage cost (estimate) for those who require support (prevention)

Support required 1 1,647 yen/month
Support required 2 3,377 yen/month
*This is a fixed monthly fee.
*Snack fees, meal fees, transportation fees, etc. will be charged separately.
*The displayed fee is the fee paid by the user (10% of nursing care insurance). This is an approximate fee calculated based on 1 unit = 10 yen (*).
Please contact each business office for exact prices.
*Prices are for regular day care.
*The usage fee for Tsusho Office varies depending on the size determined by the monthly average number of users.
*Snack fees, meal fees, transportation fees, etc. will be charged separately.

Usage Fees of Good Day Service


Basic Charges Of Good Day Service

Usage time/day 3-4 hours 5-6 hours 8-9 hours
Nursing Care Required 1 364 yen 561 yen 659 yen
Nursing Care Required 2 417 yen 663 yen 779 yen
Nursing Care Required 3 472 yen 765 yen 902 yen
Nursing Care Required 4 525 yen 867 yen 1026 yen
Nursing Care Required 5 608 yen 969 yen 1150 yen

Various additional charges of Good Day Service

Bathing Assistance 50 yen/day
Individual functional training (I) *1
Individual functional training (II) *1
Accepting young-onset dementia users
Nutritional improvement services
Oral function improvement
*1 Individual functional training varies depending on the daily working hours of the physical therapist who is fully engaged in the duties of a functional training instructor (Ⅰ: 120 minutes or more, Ⅱ: all business hours)

Usage cost (estimate) for those who require support (prevention)

Support required 1 1,647 yen/month
Support required 2 3,377 yen/month
*This is a fixed monthly fee.
*Snack fees, meal fees, transportation fees, etc. will be charged separately.
*The displayed fee is the fee paid by the user (10% of nursing care insurance). This is an approximate fee calculated based on 1 unit = 10 yen (*).
Please contact each business office for exact prices.
*Prices are for regular day care.
*The usage fee for Tsusho Office varies depending on the size determined by the monthly average number of users.
*Snack fees, meal fees, transportation fees, etc. will be charged separately.


Senior & Elder Home Care Center

We want to take a moment to clarify our fare charges at Senior Care Center to ensure transparency and understanding among our valued residents and their families.

We strive to provide exceptional care and services while maintaining affordability for all our residents. Our fare charges are structured to cover the cost of accommodations, meals, amenities, and personalized care tailored to each individual's needs.

“We understand the importance of transparency and accountability when it comes to fare charges. Our team is committed to providing clear and detailed explanations of our fare structure, as well as addressing any questions or concerns you may have regarding billing or financial arrangements.”